RedisTimeSeries 1.6 release notes

Added support for aggregating across multiple time series (multi-key). Can compute queries such as “the maximum observed value of a set of time series” server-side instead of client-side.


RedisTimeSeries v1.6.19 requires:

  • Minimum Redis compatibility version (database): 6.0.16
  • Minimum Redis Enterprise Software version (cluster): 6.2.8

v1.6.19 (February 2023)

This is a maintenance release for RedisTimeSeries 1.6.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Bug fixes:

    • #1397 Memory leak when trying to create an already existing key (MOD-4724, RED-93418)

v1.6.17 (July 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RedisTimeSeries 1.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #1240 Compaction rules are not saved to RoF (Redis Enterprise)

v1.6.16 (June 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RedisTimeSeries 1.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Features:

    • #1193 Commands that don’t execute on the main thread now appear in SLOWLOG
  • Bug fixes:

    • #1203 Compaction rules are not replicated (Replica Of) on Redis Enterprise
    • #1204 When the last sample is deleted with TS.DEL, it may still be accessible with TS.GET
    • #1226 TS.MRANGE, TS.MREVRANGE: on a multi-shard environment, some chunks may be skipped
New RDB version (v5). RDB files created with 1.6.16 are not backward compatible.

v1.6.13 (June 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RedisTimeSeries 1.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #1176, #1187 When executing DEL, chunk index could be set to a wrong value and cause some data to be inaccessible
    • #1180 When executing MADD, make sure that only successful insertions are replicated

v1.6.11 (May 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RedisTimeSeries 1.6.

Update urgency: HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!


  • Bug fixes:

    • #1166 Stop forwarding multi-shard commands during cluster resharding and upgrade (MOD-3154)
    • #1165 Stop forwarding multi-shard commands during transactions (MULTI EXEC) (MOD-3182)
    • LibMR: Fixed crash on multi-shard commands in some rare scenarios (MOD-3182)

v1.6.10 (May 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RedisTimeSeries 1.6.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


v1.6.9 (February 2022)

This is a maintenance release for RedisTimeSeries 1.6.

Update urgency: MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.


  • Security and privacy:

    • #1061 Internode communications encryption: support passphrases for PEM files
  • Bug fixes:

    • #1056 Return an error when a shard is down (in v1.6.8, returned an empty result)

v1.6 GA (v1.6.8) (January 2022)

This is the General Availability release of RedisTimeSeries 1.6.


RedisTimeSeries 1.6 adds support for aggregating across multiple time series (multi-key). Before this version, queries such as “the maximum observed value of a set of time series” needed to be calculated client-side. Such queries can now be computed server-side, leveraging the heart of RedisGears (LibMR) for clustered databases.

What's new in 1.6

  • Introduction of GROUPBY and REDUCE in TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE to add support for "multi-key aggregation" and support for such aggregations spanning multiple shards, leveraging LibMR. Currently, we support minmax, and sum as reducers and grouping by a label.

  • #722, #275 Filter results using FILTER_BY_TS by providing a list of timestamps and FILTER_BY_VALUE by providing a min and a max value (TS.RANGE, TS.REVRANGE, TS.MRANGE, and TS.MREVRANGE).

  • #603#611#841 Introduction of TS.DEL which allows deleting samples in a time series within two timestamps (inclusive).

  • #762 Limit the number of returned labels in the response of read commands (TS.MRANGE, TS.MREVRANGE, and TS.MGET) using SELECTED_LABELS. This can be a significant performance improvement when returning a large number of series.

  • #655#801 Ability to align the aggregation buckets with the requested start, end, or specific timestamp on aggregation queries using ALIGN (TS.RANGE, TS.REVRANGE, TS.MRANGE, and TS.MREVRANGE).

  • #675 Add keyspace notifications for all CRUD commands. Check out this test for the details.

  • #882 Auto Tiering support.

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