Server management commands compatibility
Server management commands compatibility.
Redis Enterprise Software | Redis Cloud |
The following tables show which Redis Community Edition server management commands are compatible with standard and Active-Active databases in Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud.
Access control commands
Several access control list (ACL) commands are not available in Redis Enterprise. Instead, you can manage access controls from the Redis Enterprise Software Cluster Manager UI and the Redis Cloud console.
Command | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
ACL CAT | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
ACL DELUSER | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
ACL DRYRUN | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Might reply with "unknown user" for LDAP users even if AUTH succeeds. |
ACL GENPASS | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
ACL GETUSER | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
ACL HELP | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
ACL LIST | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
ACL LOAD | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
ACL LOG | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
ACL SAVE | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
ACL SETUSER | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
ACL USERS | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
ACL WHOAMI | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
Configuration commands
Command | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
CONFIG GET | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Only supports a subset of configuration settings. |
❌ Standard |
CONFIG REWRITE | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
CONFIG SET | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Only supports a subset of configuration settings. |
General server commands
Command | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
COMMAND | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
COMMAND COUNT | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
COMMAND DOCS | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
COMMAND GETKEYS | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
COMMAND HELP | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
COMMAND INFO | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
COMMAND LIST | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
DEBUG | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
FLUSHALL | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
*Can use the Active-Active flush API request. |
FLUSHDB | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
*Can use the Active-Active flush API request. |
LOLWUT | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
SHUTDOWN | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
SWAPDB | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
TIME | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Module commands
For Redis Enterprise Software, you can manage Redis modules from the Cluster Manager UI or with REST API requests.
Redis Cloud manages modules for you and lets you enable modules when you create a database.
Command | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
MODULE HELP | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MODULE LIST | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
MODULE LOAD | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MODULE LOADEX | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MODULE UNLOAD | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
Monitoring commands
Although Redis Enterprise does not support certain monitoring commands, you can use the Cluster Manager UI to view Redis Enterprise Software metrics and logs or the Redis Cloud console to view Redis Cloud metrics and logs.
Command | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
DBSIZE | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
INFO | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
In Redis Enterprise, INFO returns a different set of fields than Redis Community Edition.Not supported for scripts. |
LATENCY DOCTOR | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
LATENCY GRAPH | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
LATENCY HELP | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
✅ Standard |
LATENCY HISTORY | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
LATENCY LATEST | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
LATENCY RESET | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MEMORY DOCTOR | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MEMORY HELP | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts in Redis versions earlier than 7. |
❌ Standard |
MEMORY PURGE | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MEMORY STATS | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MEMORY USAGE | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts in Redis versions earlier than 7. |
MONITOR | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
SLOWLOG GET | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
SLOWLOG LEN | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
SLOWLOG RESET | ✅ Standard |
✅ Standard |
Not supported for scripts. |
Persistence commands
Data persistence and backup commands are not available in Redis Enterprise. Instead, you can manage data persistence and backups from the Redis Enterprise Software Cluster Manager UI and the Redis Cloud console.
Command | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
BGREWRITEAOF | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
BGSAVE | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
LASTSAVE | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
SAVE | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
Replication commands
Redis Enterprise automatically manages replication.
Command | Redis Enterprise |
Redis Cloud |
Notes |
FAILOVER | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
MIGRATE | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
PSYNC | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
REPLCONF | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
REPLICAOF | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
RESTORE-ASKING | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
ROLE | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
SLAVEOF | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |
Deprecated as of Redis v5.0.0. |
SYNC | ❌ Standard |
❌ Standard |