Latest database stats requests
Most recent database statistics requests
Redis Enterprise Software |
Method | Path | Description |
GET | /v1/bdbs/stats/last |
Get most recent stats for all databases |
GET | /v1/bdbs/stats/last/{uid} |
Get most recent stats for a specific database |
Get latest stats for all databases
GET /v1/bdbs/stats/last
Get the most recent statistics for all databases.
Required permissions
Permission name | Roles |
view_all_bdb_stats | admin cluster_member cluster_viewer db_member db_viewer user_manager |
Example HTTP request
Without metrics filter (returns all metrics by default)
GET /bdbs/stats/last
With metrics filter
GET /bdbs/stats/last?metrics=no_of_keys,used_memory
Request headers
Key | Value | Description |
Host | cnm.cluster.fqdn | Domain name |
Accept | application/json | Accepted media type |
Query parameters
Field | Type | Description |
metrics | string | Comma-separated list of metric names for which we want statistics (default is all). (optional) |
Returns statistics for all databases.
Example JSON body
Without metrics filter (returns all metrics by default)
{ "1": { "stime": "2015-05-28T08:06:37Z", "etime": "2015-05-28T08:06:44Z", "conns": 0.0, "egress_bytes": 0.0, "etime": "2015-05-28T08:06:44Z", "evicted_objects": 0.0, "expired_objects": 0.0, "ingress_bytes": 0.0, "instantaneous_ops_per_sec": 0.0, "last_req_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "last_res_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "used_memory": 5651336.0, "mem_size_lua": 35840.0, "monitor_sessions_count": 0.0, "no_of_keys": 0.0, "other_req": 0.0, "other_res": 0.0, "read_hits": 0.0, "read_misses": 0.0, "read_req": 0.0, "read_res": 0.0, "total_connections_received": 0.0, "total_req": 0.0, "total_res": 0.0, "write_hits": 0.0, "write_misses": 0.0, "write_req": 0.0, "write_res": 0.0 }, "2": { "stime": "2015-05-28T08:06:37Z", "etime": "2015-05-28T08:06:44Z", "// additional fields..." }, "// Additional BDBs..." }
With metrics filter
{ "1": { "etime": "2015-05-28T08:06:44Z", "used_memory": 5651576.0, "no_of_keys": 0.0, "stime": "2015-05-28T08:06:37Z" }, "2": { "etime": "2015-05-28T08:06:44ZZ", "used_memory": 5651440.0, "no_of_keys": 0.0, "stime": "2015-05-28T08:06:37Z" }, "// Additional BDBs.." }
Status codes
Code | Description |
200 OK | No error |
404 Not Found | No bdbs exist |
Get latest database stats
GET /v1/bdbs/stats/last/{int: uid}
Get the most recent statistics for a specific database.
Permission name | Roles |
view_bdb_stats | admin cluster_member cluster_viewer db_member db_viewer user_manager |
Example HTTP request
GET /bdbs/stats/last/1?metrics=no_of_keys,used_memory
Request headers
Key | Value | Description |
Host | cnm.cluster.fqdn | Domain name |
Accept | application/json | Accepted media type |
URL parameters
Field | Type | Description |
uid | integer | The unique ID of the requested BDB. |
Query parameters
Field | Type | Description |
metrics | string | Comma-separated list of metric names for which we want statistics (default is all). (optional) |
Returns the most recent statistics for a specific database.
Example JSON body
"1": {
"etime": "2015-06-23T12:05:08Z",
"used_memory": 5651576.0,
"no_of_keys": 0.0,
"stime": "2015-06-23T12:05:03Z"
Status codes
Code | Description |
200 OK | No error |
404 Not Found | bdb does not exist |
406 Not Acceptable | bdb isn't currently active |
503 Service Unavailable | bdb is in recovery state |