Write to a Redis stream

In the example below, data is captured from the source table named invoice and is written to a Redis stream. The connection is an optional parameter that refers to the corresponding connection name defined in config.yaml. When you specify the data_type parameter for the job, it overrides the system-wide setting target_data_type defined in config.yaml.

When writing to streams, you can use the optional parameter mapping to limit the number of fields sent in a message and to provide aliases for them. If you don't use the mapping parameter, all fields captured in the source will be passed as the message payload.

Note that streams are different from other data structures because existing messages are never updated or deleted. Any operation in the source will generate a new message with the corresponding operation code (op_code field) that is automatically added to the message payload.

In this case, the result will be a Redis stream with the name based on the key expression (for example, invoice:events) and with an expiration of 100 seconds for the whole stream. If you don't supply an expire parameter, the keys will never expire.

In the example, only three original fields are passed in the message payload: InvoiceId (as message_id), BillingCountry (as country), Total (as Total, no alias provided) and op_code, which is implicitly added to all messages sent to streams.

  server_name: chinook
  schema: public
  table: invoice
  - uses: redis.write
      connection: target
      data_type: stream
        expression: "`invoice:events`"
        language: jmespath
        - InvoiceId: message_id
        - BillingCountry: country
        - Total
      expire: 100
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