Write to a Redis string

The string data type is useful for capturing a string representation of a single column from a source table.

In the example job below, the title column is captured from the invoice table in the source. The title is then written to the Redis target database as a string under a custom key of the form AlbumTitle:42, where the 42 is the primary key value of the table (the albumid column).

The connection is an optional parameter that refers to the corresponding connection name defined in config.yaml. When you specify the data_type parameter for the job, it overrides the system-wide setting target_data_type defined in config.yaml. Here, the string data type also requires an args subsection with a value argument that specifies the column you want to capture from the source table.

The optional expire parameter sets the length of time, in seconds, that a new key will persist for after it is created (here, it is 86400 seconds, which equals one day). After this time, the key will be deleted automatically. If you don't supply an expire parameter, the keys will never expire.

  server_name: chinook
  table: album
  row_format: full
  - uses: redis.write
      connection: target
      data_type: string
        expression: concat(['AlbumTitle:', values(key)[0]])
        language: jmespath
        value: title
      expire: 86400
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