Write to a Redis JSON document

You must enable the RedisJSON module in the target Redis database to use this feature.

In the example below, the data is captured from the source table named invoice and is written to the Redis database as a JSON document. The connection is an optional parameter that refers to the corresponding connection name defined in config.yaml. When you specify the data_type parameter for the job, it overrides the system-wide setting target_data_type defined in config.yaml.

Another optional parameter, on_update, specifies the writing strategy. You can set this to either replace (the default) or merge. This affects the way the document is written to the target. Replacing the document will overwrite it completely, while merging will update it with the fields captured in the source, keeping the rest of the document intact. The replace option is usually more performant, while merge allows other jobs and applications to set extra fields in the same JSON documents.

In this case, the result will be Redis JSON documents with key names based on the key expression (for example, invoice_id:1) and with an expiration of 100 seconds. If you don't supply an expire parameter, the keys will never expire.

  server_name: chinook
  schema: public
  table: invoice
  - uses: redis.write
      connection: target
      data_type: json
        expression: concat(['invoice_id:', InvoiceId])
        language: jmespath
      on_update: replace        
      expire: 100
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