License requests

License requests

Redis Enterprise Software
Method Path Description
GET /v1/license Get license details
PUT /v1/license Update the license

Get license

GET /v1/license

Returns the license details, including license string, expiration, and supported features.

Required permissions

Permission name


Example HTTP request

GET /license 

Request headers

Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type


Returns a JSON object that contains the license details:

Name Type/Value Description
license string License data
cluster_name string The cluster name (FQDN)
expired boolean If the cluster key is expired (true or false)
activation_date string The date of the cluster key activation
expiration_date string The date of the cluster key expiration
key string License key
features array of strings Features supported by the cluster
owner string License owner
shards_limit integer The total number of shards allowed by the cluster key
ram_shards_limit integer The number of RAM shards allowed by the cluster key (as of v7.2)
ram_shards_in_use integer The number of RAM shards in use
flash_shards_limit integer The number of flash shards (Auto Tiering) allowed by the cluster key (as of v7.2)
flash_shards_in_use integer The number of flash shards in use

Example JSON body

    "license": "----- LICENSE START -----\\ndi+iK...KniI9\\n----- LICENSE END -----\\n",
    "expired": true,
    "ram_shards_in_use": 0,
    "ram_shards_limit": 300,
    "flash_shards_in_use": 0,
    "flash_shards_limit": 100,
    "shards_limit": 400,
    "features": ["bigstore"],
    "owner": "Redis",
    "cluster_name": "mycluster.local",
    "key": "----- LICENSE START -----\\ndi+iK...KniI9\\n----- LICENSE END -----\\n"

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK License is returned in the response body.
404 Not Found No license is installed.

Update license

PUT /v1/license

Validate and install a new license string.

If you do not provide a valid license, the cluster behaves as if the license was deleted. See Expired cluster license for a list of available actions and restrictions.

Required permissions

Permission name


The request must be a JSON object with a single key named "license".

Example HTTP request

PUT /license 

Example JSON body

    "license": "----- LICENSE START -----\ndi+iK...KniI9\n----- LICENSE END -----\n"

Request headers

Key Value Description
Accept application/json Accepted media type

Request body

Include a JSON object that contains the new license string in the request body.


Returns an error if the new license is not valid.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK License installed successfully.
400 Bad Request Invalid request, either bad JSON object or corrupted license was supplied.
406 Not Acceptable License violation. A response body provides more details on the specific cause.
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