Migrate shards requests

REST API requests to migrate database shards

Method Path Description
POST /v1/shards/actions/migrate Migrate multiple shards
POST /v1/shards/{uid}/actions/migrate Migrate a specific shard

Migrate multiple shards

POST /v1/shards/actions/migrate

Migrates the list of given shard UIDs to the node specified by target_node_uid. The shards can be from multiple databases. This request is asynchronous.

For more information about shard migration use cases and considerations, see Migrate database shards.

Required permissions

Permission name Roles
migrate_shard admin


Example HTTP request

POST /shards/actions/migrate

Example JSON body

  "shard_uids": ["2","4","6"],
  "target_node_uid": 9,
  "override_rack_policy": false,
  "preserve_roles": false,
  "max_concurrent_bdb_migrations": 3

Request headers

Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

Request body

The request body is a JSON object that can contain the following fields:

Field Type Description
shard_uids array of strings List of shard UIDs to migrate.
target_node_uid integer UID of the node to where the shards should migrate.
override_rack_policy boolean If true, overrides and ignores rack-aware policy violations.
dry_run boolean Determines whether the migration is actually done. If true, will just do a dry run. If the dry run succeeds, the request returns a 200 OK status code. Otherwise, it returns a JSON object with an error code and description.
preserve_roles boolean If true, preserves the migrated shards' roles after migration.
max_concurrent_bdb_migrations integer The number of concurrent databases that can migrate shards.


Returns a JSON object with an action_uid. You can track the action's progress with a GET /v1/actions/<action_uid> request.

Example JSON body

    "action_uid": "e5e24ddf-a456-4a7e-ad53-4463cd44880e",
    "description": "Migrate was triggered"

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error.
400 Bad Request Conflicting parameters.
404 Not Found A list of shard UIDs is required and not given, a specified shard does not exist, or a node UID is required and not given.
500 Internal Server Error Migration failed.

Migrate shard

POST /v1/shards/{int: uid}/actions/migrate

Migrates the shard with the given shard_uid to the node specified by target_node_uid. If the shard is already on the target node, nothing happens. This request is asynchronous.

For more information about shard migration use cases and considerations, see Migrate database shards.

Required permissions

Permission name Roles
migrate_shard admin


Example HTTP request

POST /shards/1/actions/migrate

Example JSON body

    "target_node_uid": 9,
    "override_rack_policy": false,
    "preserve_roles": false

Request headers

Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
uid integer The unique ID of the shard to migrate.

Request body

The request body is a JSON object that can contain the following fields:

Field Type Description
target_node_uid integer UID of the node to where the shard should migrate.
override_rack_policy boolean If true, overrides and ignores rack-aware policy violations.
dry_run boolean Determines whether the migration is actually done. If true, will just do a dry run. If the dry run succeeds, the request returns a 200 OK status code. Otherwise, it returns a JSON object with an error code and description.
preserve_roles boolean If true, preserves the migrated shards' roles after migration.


Returns a JSON object with an action_uid. You can track the action's progress with a GET /v1/actions/<action_uid> request.

Example JSON body

    "action_uid": "e5e24ddf-a456-4a7e-ad53-4463cd44880e",
    "description": "Migrate was triggered"

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error.
404 Not Found Shard does not exist, or node UID is required and not given.
409 Conflict Database is currently busy.
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