Export database action requests

Export database requests

Redis Enterprise Software
Method Path Description
POST /v1/bdbs/{uid}/actions/export Initiate database export

Initiate database export

POST /v1/bdbs/{int: uid}/actions/export

Initiate a database export.


Permission name Roles
start_bdb_export admin


Example HTTP request

POST /v1/bdbs/1/actions/export


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
uid integer The unique ID of the database


The request body should contain a JSON object with the following export parameters:

Field Type Description
export_location backup_location/export_location object Details for the export destination. Call GET /v1/jsonschema on the bdb object and review the backup_location field to retrieve the object's structure.
email_notification boolean Enable/disable an email notification on export failure/ completion. (optional)
Example JSON body
    "export_location": {
        "type": "url",
        "url": "ftp://..."
    "email_notification": true

The above request initiates an export operation to the specified location.


Returns a status code.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK The request is accepted and is being processed. In order to monitor progress, the BDB's export_status, export_progress, and export_failure_reason attributes can be consulted.
404 Not Found Attempting to perform an action on a nonexistent database.
406 Not Acceptable Not all the modules loaded to the database support 'backup_restore' capability
409 Conflict Database is currently busy with another action. In this context, this is a temporary condition and the request should be reattempted later.
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