The Redis Discord server is a place where you can learn, share, and collaborate about anything and everything Redis.
If you already have a Discord account, joining is easy. Just go to and your in.
If you don't have a Discord account, you'll need to create one. Once you have an account, you can download Discord for you desktop, get the mobile app, or just use it in a browser.
One you are on the server, you should be aware of our rules:
Got a question you want answered? Got a problem you can’t figure out? Don’t worry. Happens to the best of us. We have a help system inspired by the one used by the most excellent Python Discord.
Ask a question in a channel in ❓ Help: Available. That channel moves to ✋ Help: In Use. Converse, discuss, get an answer. Close the channel with /close when you’re done and it moves to 💤 Help: Dormant.
So, we built a help system to make it easier to ask and answer. There are a series of help channels on the server that all start with help- followed by a letter in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet (you know, the whole alfa bravo charlie thing). There are 26 channels grouped into Help: Available, Help: In Use, and Help: Dormant.
❓ Help: Available contains channels that are available for a question. If you have a question, you can claim this channel simply by posting it there. The channel will immediately be moved to Help: In Use.
:raisedhand: Help: In Use has channels that are being used to answer a question. If you have the answer to a fellow user’s question, post it here. If you asked the question, other users may answer it. If someone has answered your question—or perhaps you answer it yourself—you can close the channel by typing /close. Channels will automatically close if they are inactive for 48 hours. Closed channels are moved to _Help: Dormant.
💤 Help: Dormant is for channels that are not currently in use. You can read them—useful as there are lots of answered questions here—but you cannot post to them. When someone claims a channel in Help: Available, a random channel is selected from Help: Dormant to replace it.