Check all cluster nodes requests

Requests that run checks on all cluster nodes.

Method Path Description
GET /v1/cluster/check Runs checks on all cluster nodes

Check all nodes

GET /v1/cluster/check

Runs the following checks on all cluster nodes:

Check name Description
bootstrap_status Verifies the local node's bootstrap process completed without errors.
services Verifies all Redis Enterprise Software services are running.
port_range Verifies the ip_local_port_range doesn't conflict with the ports Redis Enterprise might assign to shards.
pidfiles Verifies all active local shards have PID files.
capabilities Verifies all binaries have the proper capability bits.
existing_sockets Verifies sockets exist for all processes that require them.
host_settings Verifies the following:
• Linux overcommit_memory setting is 1.
transparent_hugepage is disabled.
• Socket maximum connections setting somaxconn is 1024.
tcp_connectivity Verifies this node can connect to all other alive nodes.

Required permissions

Permission name


Example HTTP request

GET /cluster/check

Request headers

Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type


Returns a JSON array with results from all nodes.

When errors occur, the server returns a JSON object with result: false and an error field that provides additional information for each node that had an error. If an error occurs during a check, the error field only includes a message for the first check that fails on each node.

Possible error messages:

  • "bootstrap request to cnm_http failed,resp_code: ...,resp_content: ..."
  • "process ... is not running or not responding (...)"
  • "could not communicate with 'supervisorctl': ..."
  • "connectivity check failed retrieving ports for testing"

Example JSON body

  "cluster_test_result": false,
  "nodes": [
      "node_uid": "1",
      "result": true
      "node_uid": "2",
      "result": true
      "node_uid": "3",
      "result": false,
      "error": "process alert_mgr is not running or not responding ([Errno 111] Connection refused)"

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error
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