Bootstrap requests

Bootstrap requests

Method Path Description
GET /v1/boostrap Get the local node's bootstrap status
POST /v1/bootstrap/{action} Initiate bootstrapping

Get bootstrap status

GET /v1/bootstrap

Get the local node's bootstrap status.

This request is accepted as soon the cluster software is installed and before the node is part of an active cluster.

Once the node is part of an active cluster, authentication is required.


Example HTTP request

GET /bootstrap


Key Value Description
Accept application/json Accepted media type


The JSON response object contains a bootstrap_status object and a local_node_info object.

The bootstrap_status object contains the following information:

Field Description
state Current bootstrap state.

idle: No bootstrapping started.

initiated: Bootstrap request received.

creating_cluster: In the process of creating a new cluster.

recovering_cluster: In the process of recovering a cluster.

joining_cluster: In the process of joining an existing cluster.

error: The last bootstrap action failed.

completed: The last bootstrap action completed successfully.
start_time Bootstrap process start time
end_time Bootstrap process end time
error_code If state is error, this error code describes the type of error encountered.
error_details An error-specific object that may contain additional information about the error. A common field in use is message which provides a more verbose error message.

The local_node_info object is a subset of a node object that provides information about the node configuration.

Example JSON body

    "bootstrap_status": {
        "start_time": "2014-08-29T11:19:49Z",
        "end_time": "2014-08-29T11:19:49Z",
        "state": "completed"
    "local_node_info": {
        "uid": 3,
        "software_version": "0.90.0-1",
        "cores": 2,
        "ephemeral_storage_path": "/var/opt/redislabs/tmp",
        "ephemeral_storage_size": 1018889.8304,
        "os_version": "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS",
        "persistent_storage_path": "/var/opt/redislabs/persist/redis",
        "persistent_storage_size": 1018889.8304,
        "total_memory": 24137,
        "uptime": 50278,
        "available_addrs": [{
                                 "address": "",
                                 "format": "ipv4",
                                 "if_name": "eth0",
                                 "private": true
                                 "address": "",
                                 "format": "ipv4",
                                 "if_name": "lxcbr0",
                                 "private": true
                                 "address": "",
                                 "format": "ipv4",
                                 "if_name": "docker0",
                                 "private": true
                                 "address": "2001:db8:0:f101::1",
                                 "format": "ipv6",
                                 "if_name": "eth0",
                                 "private": false

Error codes

Code Description
config_error An error related to the bootstrap configuration provided (e.g. bad JSON).
connect_error Failed to connect to cluster (e.g. FQDN DNS could not resolve, no/wrong node IP provided, etc.
access_denied Invalid credentials supplied.
invalid_license The license string provided is invalid. Additional info can be fetched from the error_details object, which includes the violation code in case the license is valid but its terms are violated.
repair_required Cluster is in degraded mode and can only accept replacement nodes. When this happens, error_details contains two fields: failed_nodes and replace_candidate. The failed_nodes field is an array of objects, each describing a failed node with at least a uid field and an optional rack_id. replace_candidate is the UID of the node most suitable for replacement.
insufficient_node_memory An attempt to replace a dead node fails because the replaced node does not have enough memory. When this happens, error_details contains a required_memory field which indicates the node memory requirement.
insufficient_node_flash An attempt to replace a dead node fails because the replaced node does not have enough flash. When this happens, error_details contains a required_flash field which indicates the node flash requirement.
time_not_sync An attempt to join a node with system time not synchronized with the rest of the cluster.
rack_id_required An attempt to join a node with no rack_id in a rack-aware cluster. In addition, a current_rack_ids field will include an array of currently used rack ids.
socket_directory_mismatch An attempt to join a node with a socket directory setting that differs from the cluster
node_config_mismatch An attempt to join a node with a configuration setting (e.g. confdir, osuser, installdir) that differs from the cluster
path_error A needed path does not exist or is not accessable.
internal_error A different, unspecified internal error was encountered.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error

Start bootstrapping

POST /v1/bootstrap/{action}

Initiate bootstrapping.

The request must contain a bootstrap configuration JSON object, as described in Object attributes or a minimal subset.

Bootstrapping is permitted only when the current bootstrap state is idle or error (in which case the process will restart with the new configuration).

This request is asynchronous - once the request has been accepted, the caller is expected to poll bootstrap status while waiting for it to complete.


Example HTTP request

POST /bootstrap/create_cluster

Example JSON body

Join cluster
    "action": "join_cluster",
    "cluster": {
       "nodes":[ "", "" ]
    "node": {
       "paths": {
          "persistent_path": "/path/to/persistent/storage",
          "ephemeral_path": "/path/to/ephemeral/storage",
          "bigstore_path": "/path/to/bigstore/storage"
       "bigstore_driver": "speedb",
       "identity": {
          "external_addr":["2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", ""]
    "credentials": {
       "username": "my_username",
       "password": "my_password"
Create cluster
    "action": "create_cluster",
    "cluster": {
       "nodes": [],
       "name": "my.cluster"
    "node": {
       "paths": {
          "persistent_path": "/path/to/persistent/storage",
          "ephemeral_path": "/path/to/ephemeral/storage",
          "bigstore_path": "/path/to/bigredis/storage"
       "identity": {
          "external_addr":["2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", ""]
       "bigstore_driver": "rocksdb"
    "license": "----- LICENSE START -----\ndi+iK...KniI9\n----- LICENSE END -----\n",
    "credentials": {
       "username": "my_username",
       "password": "my_password"


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

Request body

Include a bootstrap object in the request body.


Status codes

Code Description
200 OK Request received and processing begins.
409 Conflict Bootstrap already in progress (check state)
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