Database shards requests

REST API requests for database shards

Method Path Description
GET /v1/bdbs/{bdb_uid}/shards Get the status of a database's shards

Get database shards

GET /v1/bdbs/{int: bdb_uid}/shards

Gets the status for all shards that belong to the specified database.


Example HTTP request

GET /bdbs/1/shards?extra_info_keys=used_memory_rss&extra_info_keys=connected_clients

Request headers

Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
bdb_uid integer The unique ID of the database.


The response body contains a JSON array with all shards, represented as shard objects.

Example JSON body

        "uid": "1",
		"role": "master",
		"assigned_slots": "0-8191",
        "bdb_uid": 1,
        "detailed_status": "ok",
        "loading": {
            "status": "idle"
        "node_uid": "1",
        "redis_info": {
			"connected_clients": 14,
            "used_memory_rss": 12460032
        "report_timestamp": "2024-09-13T15:28:10Z",
        "status": "active"
        "uid": 2,
        "role": "slave",
        // additional fields...

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error.
404 Not Found bdb uid does not exist.
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