FT.INFO index
Available in:
Redis Stack / Search 1.0.0
Time complexity:

Returns information and statistics about a given index.

Required arguments

is the name of the given index. You must first create the index using FT.CREATE.

RESP reply

FT.INFO returns an array reply with pairs of keys and values.

Returned values


Return field name Definition
index_name The index name that was defined when index was created.
index_options The index options selected during FT.CREATE such as FILTER {filter}, LANGUAGE {default_lang}, etc.
index_definition Includes key_type, hash or JSON; prefixes, if any; and default_score.
attributes The index schema field names, types, and attributes.
num_docs The number of documents.
max_doc_id The maximum document ID.
num_terms The number of distinct terms.
num_records The total number of records.

Various size statistics

Statistic Definition
inverted_sz_mb The memory used by the inverted index, which is the core data structure used for searching in RediSearch. The size is given in megabytes.
vector_index_sz_mb The memory used by the vector index, which stores any vectors associated with each document.
total_inverted_index_blocks The total number of blocks in the inverted index.
offset_vectors_sz_mb The memory used by the offset vectors, which store positional information for terms in documents.
doc_table_size_mb The memory used by the document table, which contains metadata about each document in the index.
sortable_values_size_mb The memory used by sortable values, which are values associated with documents and used for sorting purposes.
key_table_size_mb The memory used by the key table, which stores the mapping between document IDs and Redis keys.
geoshapes_sz_mb The memory used by GEO-related fields.
records_per_doc_avg The average number of records (including deletions) per document.
bytes_per_record_avg The average size of each record in bytes.
offsets_per_term_avg The average number of offsets (position information) per term.
offset_bits_per_record_avg The average number of bits used for offsets per record.
Statistic Definition
hash_indexing_failures The number of failures encountered during indexing.
total_indexing_time The total time taken for indexing in seconds.
indexing Indicates whether the index is currently being generated.
percent_indexed The percentage of the index that has been successfully generated (1 means 100%).
number_of_uses The number of times the index has been used.
cleaning The index deletion flag. A value of 1 indicates index deletion is in progress.

Garbage collection statistics

Statistic Definition
bytes_collected The number of bytes collected during garbage collection.
total_ms_run The total time in milliseconds spent on garbage collection.
total_cycles The total number of garbage collection cycles.
average_cycle_time_ms The average time in milliseconds for each garbage collection cycle. The value nan indicates that the average cycle time is not available.
last_run_time_ms The time in milliseconds taken by the last garbage collection run.

The next two GC-related fields are relevant in scenarios where simultaneous changes occurred in the same memory area for both the parent process and the child process, resulting in the parent discarding these changes.

Statistic Definition
gc_numeric_trees_missed The number of numeric tree nodes whose changes were discarded due to splitting by the parent process during garbage collection.
gc_blocks_denied The number of blocks whose changes were discarded (skipped) because they were modified by the parent process during the garbage collection. Notably, as inverted index blocks are append-only, only the last block of an inverted index can be skipped.

Cursor statistics

Statistic Definition
global_idle The number of idle cursors in the system.
global_total The total number of cursors in the system.
index_capacity The maximum number of cursors allowed per index.
index_total The total number of cursors open on the index.

Other statistics

  • Dialect statistics: the number of times the index was searched using each DIALECT, 1 - 4.
  • Index error statistics, including indexing failures, last indexing error, and last indexing error key.
  • Field statistics, including indexing failures, last indexing error, and last indexing error key for each schema field.


Return statistics about an index> ft.info idx:bicycle
 1) index_name
 2) idx:bicycle
 3) index_options
 4) (empty array)
 5) index_definition
 6) 1) key_type
    2) JSON
    3) prefixes
    4) 1) bicycle:
    5) default_score
    6) "1"
 7) attributes
 8) 1) 1) identifier
       2) $.pickup_zone
       3) attribute
       4) pickup_zone
       5) type
       6) GEOSHAPE
       7) coord_system
       8) SPHERICAL
    2) 1) identifier
       2) $.store_location
       3) attribute
       4) store_location
       5) type
       6) GEO
    3) 1) identifier
       2) $.brand
       3) attribute
       4) brand
       5) type
       6) TEXT
       7) WEIGHT
       8) "1"
    4) 1) identifier
       2) $.model
       3) attribute
       4) model
       5) type
       6) TEXT
       7) WEIGHT
       8) "1"
    5) 1) identifier
       2) $.description
       3) attribute
       4) description
       5) type
       6) TEXT
       7) WEIGHT
       8) "1"
    6) 1) identifier
       2) $.price
       3) attribute
       4) price
       5) type
       6) NUMERIC
    7) 1) identifier
       2) $.condition
       3) attribute
       4) condition
       5) type
       6) TAG
       7) SEPARATOR
       8) ,
 9) num_docs
10) "10"
11) max_doc_id
12) "10"
13) num_terms
14) "546"
15) num_records
16) "692"
17) inverted_sz_mb
18) "0.003993034362792969"
19) vector_index_sz_mb
20) "0"
21) total_inverted_index_blocks
22) "551"
23) offset_vectors_sz_mb
24) "7.047653198242188e-4"
25) doc_table_size_mb
26) "7.152557373046875e-4"
27) sortable_values_size_mb
28) "0"
29) key_table_size_mb
30) "3.0422210693359375e-4"
31) geoshapes_sz_mb
32) "0.00426483154296875"
33) records_per_doc_avg
34) "69.19999694824219"
35) bytes_per_record_avg
36) "6.0505781173706055"
37) offsets_per_term_avg
38) "1.0679190158843994"
39) offset_bits_per_record_avg
40) "8"
41) hash_indexing_failures
42) "0"
43) total_indexing_time
44) "4.539999961853027"
45) indexing
46) "0"
47) percent_indexed
48) "1"
49) number_of_uses
50) (integer) 1
51) cleaning
52) (integer) 0
53) gc_stats
54)  1) bytes_collected
     2) "0"
     3) total_ms_run
     4) "0"
     5) total_cycles
     6) "0"
     7) average_cycle_time_ms
     8) "nan"
     9) last_run_time_ms
    10) "0"
    11) gc_numeric_trees_missed
    12) "0"
    13) gc_blocks_denied
    14) "0"
55) cursor_stats
56) 1) global_idle
    2) (integer) 0
    3) global_total
    4) (integer) 0
    5) index_capacity
    6) (integer) 128
    7) index_total
    8) (integer) 0
57) dialect_stats
58) 1) dialect_1
    2) (integer) 0
    3) dialect_2
    4) (integer) 0
    5) dialect_3
    6) (integer) 0
    7) dialect_4
    8) (integer) 0
59) Index Errors
60) 1) indexing failures
    2) (integer) 0
    3) last indexing error
    4) N/A
    5) last indexing error key
    6) "N/A"
61) field statistics
62) 1) 1) identifier
       2) $.pickup_zone
       3) attribute
       4) pickup_zone
       5) Index Errors
       6) 1) indexing failures
          2) (integer) 0
          3) last indexing error
          4) N/A
          5) last indexing error key
          6) "N/A"
    2) 1) identifier
       2) $.store_location
       3) attribute
       4) store_location
       5) Index Errors
       6) 1) indexing failures
          2) (integer) 0
          3) last indexing error
          4) N/A
          5) last indexing error key
          6) "N/A"
    3) 1) identifier
       2) $.brand
       3) attribute
       4) brand
       5) Index Errors
       6) 1) indexing failures
          2) (integer) 0
          3) last indexing error
          4) N/A
          5) last indexing error key
          6) "N/A"
    4) 1) identifier
       2) $.model
       3) attribute
       4) model
       5) Index Errors
       6) 1) indexing failures
          2) (integer) 0
          3) last indexing error
          4) N/A
          5) last indexing error key
          6) "N/A"
    5) 1) identifier
       2) $.description
       3) attribute
       4) description
       5) Index Errors
       6) 1) indexing failures
          2) (integer) 0
          3) last indexing error
          4) N/A
          5) last indexing error key
          6) "N/A"
    6) 1) identifier
       2) $.price
       3) attribute
       4) price
       5) Index Errors
       6) 1) indexing failures
          2) (integer) 0
          3) last indexing error
          4) N/A
          5) last indexing error key
          6) "N/A"
    7) 1) identifier
       2) $.condition
       3) attribute
       4) condition
       5) Index Errors
       6) 1) indexing failures
          2) (integer) 0
          3) last indexing error
          4) N/A
          5) last indexing error key
          6) "N/A"

See also



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