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Redis Stack / Search 2.2.0
Time complexity:

Apply FT.SEARCH or FT.AGGREGATE command to collect performance details. For usage, see Examples.

Required arguments


is the name of an index created using FT.CREATE.


represents the profile type, either FT.SEARCH or FT.AGGREGATE.


removes details of any reader iterators.

QUERY {query}

is the query string, sent to FT.SEARCH or FT.AGGREGATE.

Note: To reduce the size of the output, use NOCONTENT or LIMIT 0 0 to reduce the number of reply results, or LIMITED to not reply with details of reader iterators inside built-in unions, such as fuzzy or prefix iterators.


FT.PROFILE returns a two-element array reply. The first element contains the results of the provided FT.SEARCH or FT.AGGREGATE command. The second element contains information about query creation, iterator profiles, and result processor profiles. Details of the second element follow in the sections below.


This section contains the search results.

Per-shard profiles

This section contains query execution details for each shard. When more than one shard is in play, the shards will be labeled Shard #1, Shard #2, etc. If there's only one shard, the label will be omitted.

Returned field name Definition
Total profile time The total run time (ms) of the query. Normally just a few ms.
Parsing time The time (ms) spent parsing the query and its parameters into a query plan. Normally just a few ms.
Pipeline creation time The creation time (ms) of the execution plan, including iterators, result processors, and reducers creation. Normally just a few ms for FT.SEARCH queries, but expect a larger number for FT.AGGREGATE queries.
Warning Errors that occurred during query execution.

Iterator profiles

This section contains index iterator information, including Type, Query Type, Term (when applicable), Time (in ms), Counter, Child iterator, and Size information. Each iterator represents an executor for each part of the query plan, nested per the execution plan. The operation types mentioned below (UNION, etc) should match up with the provided query.

Inverted-index iterators also include the number of elements they contain. Hybrid vector iterators return the top results from the vector index in batches, including the number of batches.

Iterator types include:

  • INTERSECT (and) with Child iterator
  • UNION (or) with Child iterator
  • NOT (-) with Child iterator
  • Child iterator - details of a sub-query component of a compound query.
  • TEXT with Term
  • TAG with Term
  • NUMERIC with Term

Notes on Counter and Size

Counter is the number of times an iterator was interacted with. A very high value in comparison to others is a possible warning flag. NUMERIC and Child interator types are broken into ranges, and Counter will vary depending on the range. For UNION, the sum of the counters in child iterators should be equal or greater than the child iterator’s counters.

Size is the size of the document set. Counter should always be equal or less than Size.

Result processor profiles

Result processors form a powerful pipeline in Redis Query Engine. They work in stages to gather, filter, score, sort, and return results as efficiently as possible based on complex query needs. Each processor reports Time information, which represents the total duration (in milliseconds, or ms) spent by the processor to complete its operation, and Counter information, which indicates the number of times the processor was invoked during the query.

Type Definition
Metrics Applier The Metrics Applier processor calculates or aggregates specific metrics related to the search results. For example, this might include applying a distance or similarity metric to vector search results, or calculating scores based on relevance or other parameters.
Index The Index processor is responsible for the core retrieval of matching documents from the index based on the initial query criteria (e.g., full-text terms, filters, or numeric ranges).
Scorer The Scorer processor assigns a relevance score to each document based on the query’s specified scoring function. This function could involve factors like term frequency, inverse document frequency, or other weighted metrics.
Sorter The Sorter processor arranges the query results based on a specified sorting criterion. This could be a field value (e.g., sorting by price, date, or another attribute) or by the score assigned during the scoring phase. It operates after documents are fetched and scored, ensuring the results are ordered as required by the query (e.g., ascending or descending order). Scorer results will always be present in FT.SEARCH profiles.
Loader The Loader processor retrieves the document contents after the results have been sorted and filtered. It ensures that only the fields specified by the query are loaded, which improves efficiency, especially when dealing with large documents where only a few fields are needed.
Highlighter The Highlighter processor is used to highlight matching terms in the search results. This is especially useful for full-text search applications, where relevant terms are often emphasized in the UI.
Paginator The Paginator processor is responsible for handling pagination by limiting the results to a specific range (e.g., LIMIT 0 10).It trims down the set of results to fit the required pagination window, ensuring efficient memory usage when dealing with large result sets.
Vector Filter For vector searches, the Vector Filter processor is sometimes used to pre-process results based on vector similarity thresholds before the main scoring and sorting.


This section is only present when run in a multi-shard environment.

Returned field name Definition
Total coordinator time Time measured from the beginning of query execution until all shards have completed query execution. (ms)
Post-processing time The time spent generating the FT.PROFILE output (overhead) (ms).


Collect performance information about a simple JSON index.

Imagine you have (1) a dataset consisting of 10 JSON documents, each with the following structure;

  "pickup_zone": "POLYGON((-74.0610 40.7578, -73.9510 40.7578, -73.9510 40.6678, -74.0610 40.6678, -74.0610 40.7578))",
  "store_location": "-74.0060,40.7128",
  "brand": "Velorim",
  "model": "Jigger",
  "price": 270,
  "description": "Small and powerful, the Jigger is the best ride for the smallest of tikes! This is the tiniest kids’ pedal bike on the market available without a coaster brake, the Jigger is the vehicle of choice for the rare tenacious little rider raring to go.",
  "condition": "new"

And (2) a corresponding index:

FT.CREATE idx:bicycle ON JSON PREFIX 1 bicycle: SCORE 1.0 SCHEMA $.pickup_zone AS pickup_zone GEOSHAPE $.store_location AS store_location GEO $.brand AS brand TEXT WEIGHT 1.0 $.model AS model TEXT WEIGHT 1.0 $.description AS description TEXT WEIGHT 1.0 $.price AS price NUMERIC $.condition AS condition TAG SEPARATOR ,

Here's an example of running the FT.PROFILE command for a compound query.> ft.profile idx:bicycle search query "@description:(kids | small) @condition:{new | used}"
1) 1) (integer) 3
   2) "bicycle:0"
   3) 1) "$"
      2) "{\"pickup_zone\":\"POLYGON((-74.0610 40.7578, -73.9510 40.7578, -73.9510 40.6678, -74.0610 40.6678, -74.0610 40.7578))\",\"store_location\":\"-74.0060,40.7128\",\"brand\":\"Velorim\",\"model\":\"Jigger\",\"price\":270,\"description\":\"Small and powerful, the Jigger is the best ride for the smallest of tikes! This is the tiniest kids\xe2\x80\x99 pedal bike on the market available without a coaster brake, the Jigger is the vehicle of choice for the rare tenacious little rider raring to go.\",\"condition\":\"new\"}"
   4) "bicycle:1"
   5) 1) "$"
      2) "{\"pickup_zone\":\"POLYGON((-118.2887 34.0972, -118.1987 34.0972, -118.1987 33.9872, -118.2887 33.9872, -118.2887 34.0972))\",\"store_location\":\"-118.2437,34.0522\",\"brand\":\"Bicyk\",\"model\":\"Hillcraft\",\"price\":1200,\"description\":\"Kids want to ride with as little weight as possible. Especially on an incline! They may be at the age when a 27.5\\\" wheel bike is just too clumsy coming off a 24\\\" bike. The Hillcraft 26 is just the solution they need!\",\"condition\":\"used\"}"
   6) "bicycle:2"
   7) 1) "$"
      2) "{\"pickup_zone\":\"POLYGON((-87.6848 41.9331, -87.5748 41.9331, -87.5748 41.8231, -87.6848 41.8231, -87.6848 41.9331))\",\"store_location\":\"-87.6298,41.8781\",\"brand\":\"Nord\",\"model\":\"Chook air 5\",\"price\":815,\"description\":\"The Chook Air 5  gives kids aged six years and older a durable and uberlight mountain bike for their first experience on tracks and easy cruising through forests and fields. The lower  top tube makes it easy to mount and dismount in any situation, giving your kids greater safety on the trails.\",\"condition\":\"used\"}"
2) 1) 1) Total profile time
      2) "0"
   2) 1) Parsing time
      2) "0"
   3) 1) Pipeline creation time
      2) "0"
   4) 1) Warning
   5) 1) Iterators profile
      2) 1) Type
         2) INTERSECT
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 6
         7) Child iterators
         8)  1) Type
             2) UNION
             3) Query type
             4) UNION
             5) Time
             6) "0"
             7) Counter
             8) (integer) 6
             9) Child iterators
            10)  1) Type
                 2) UNION
                 3) Query type
                 4) UNION
                 5) Time
                 6) "0"
                 7) Counter
                 8) (integer) 4
                 9) Child iterators
                10)  1) Type
                     2) TEXT
                     3) Term
                     4) kids
                     5) Time
                     6) "0"
                     7) Counter
                     8) (integer) 4
                     9) Size
                    10) (integer) 4
                11)  1) Type
                     2) TEXT
                     3) Term
                     4) +kid
                     5) Time
                     6) "0"
                     7) Counter
                     8) (integer) 4
                     9) Size
                    10) (integer) 4
            11)  1) Type
                 2) TEXT
                 3) Term
                 4) small
                 5) Time
                 6) "0"
                 7) Counter
                 8) (integer) 2
                 9) Size
                10) (integer) 2
         9)  1) Type
             2) UNION
             3) Query type
             4) TAG
             5) Time
             6) "0"
             7) Counter
             8) (integer) 6
             9) Child iterators
            10)  1) Type
                 2) TAG
                 3) Term
                 4) new
                 5) Time
                 6) "0"
                 7) Counter
                 8) (integer) 4
                 9) Size
                10) (integer) 10
            11)  1) Type
                 2) TAG
                 3) Term
                 4) used
                 5) Time
                 6) "0"
                 7) Counter
                 8) (integer) 4
                 9) Size
                10) (integer) 8
   6) 1) Result processors profile
      2) 1) Type
         2) Index
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
      3) 1) Type
         2) Scorer
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
      4) 1) Type
         2) Sorter
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
      5) 1) Type
         2) Loader
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
Collect performance information about a JSON index that includes vector data.

For this example, you'll create a very simple vector database and index.




JSON.SET vec:1 $ '{"vector":[1,1,1,1]}'
JSON.SET vec:2 $ '{"vector":[2,2,2,2]}'
JSON.SET vec:3 $ '{"vector":[3,3,3,3]}'
JSON.SET vec:4 $ '{"vector":[4,4,4,4]}'

Here's an example of running the FT.PROFILE command for a vector query.> ft.profile vss_idx search query "*=>[KNN 3 @vector $query_vec]" PARAMS 2 query_vec "\x00\x00\x00@\x00\x00\x00@\x00\x00@@\x00\x00@@" SORTBY __vector_score DIALECT 2
1) 1) (integer) 3
   2) "vec:2"
   3) 1) "__vector_score"
      2) "2"
      3) "$"
      4) "{\"vector\":[2,2,2,2]}"
   4) "vec:3"
   5) 1) "__vector_score"
      2) "2"
      3) "$"
      4) "{\"vector\":[3,3,3,3]}"
   6) "vec:1"
   7) 1) "__vector_score"
      2) "10"
      3) "$"
      4) "{\"vector\":[1,1,1,1]}"
2) 1) 1) Total profile time
      2) "0"
   2) 1) Parsing time
      2) "0"
   3) 1) Pipeline creation time
      2) "0"
   4) 1) Warning
   5) 1) Iterators profile
      2) 1) Type
         2) VECTOR
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
   6) 1) Result processors profile
      2) 1) Type
         2) Index
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
      3) 1) Type
         2) Metrics Applier
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
      4) 1) Type
         2) Sorter
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3
      5) 1) Type
         2) Loader
         3) Time
         4) "0"
         5) Counter
         6) (integer) 3

See also



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