GEOSEARCH key <FROMMEMBER member | FROMLONLAT longitude latitude>
  <BYRADIUS radius <M | KM | FT | MI> | BYBOX width height <M | KM |
Available since:
Time complexity:
O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements in the grid-aligned bounding box area around the shape provided as the filter and M is the number of items inside the shape
ACL categories:
@read, @geo, @slow,

Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape. This command extends the GEORADIUS command, so in addition to searching within circular areas, it supports searching within rectangular areas.

This command should be used in place of the deprecated GEORADIUS and GEORADIUSBYMEMBER commands.

The query's center point is provided by one of these mandatory options:

  • FROMMEMBER: Use the position of the given existing <member> in the sorted set.
  • FROMLONLAT: Use the given <longitude> and <latitude> position.

The query's shape is provided by one of these mandatory options:

  • BYRADIUS: Similar to GEORADIUS, search inside circular area according to given <radius>.
  • BYBOX: Search inside an axis-aligned rectangle, determined by <height> and <width>.

The command optionally returns additional information using the following options:

  • WITHDIST: Also return the distance of the returned items from the specified center point. The distance is returned in the same unit as specified for the radius or height and width arguments.
  • WITHCOORD: Also return the longitude and latitude of the matching items.
  • WITHHASH: Also return the raw geohash-encoded sorted set score of the item, in the form of a 52 bit unsigned integer. This is only useful for low level hacks or debugging and is otherwise of little interest for the general user.

Matching items are returned unsorted by default. To sort them, use one of the following two options:

  • ASC: Sort returned items from the nearest to the farthest, relative to the center point.
  • DESC: Sort returned items from the farthest to the nearest, relative to the center point.

All matching items are returned by default. To limit the results to the first N matching items, use the COUNT <count> option. When the ANY option is used, the command returns as soon as enough matches are found. This means that the results returned may not be the ones closest to the specified point, but the effort invested by the server to generate them is significantly less. When ANY is not provided, the command will perform an effort that is proportional to the number of items matching the specified area and sort them, so to query very large areas with a very small COUNT option may be slow even if just a few results are returned.



One of the following:

  • If no WITH* option is specified, an Array reply of matched member names
  • If WITHCOORD, WITHDIST, or WITHHASH options are specified, the command returns an Array reply of arrays, where each sub-array represents a single item:
    • The distance from the center as a floating point number, in the same unit specified in the radius.
    • The Geohash integer.
    • The coordinates as a two items x,y array (longitude,latitude).


  • Starting with Redis version 7.0.0: Added support for uppercase unit names.
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